Fee Structure Somatane

Fees Payment

  • School fee can be paid through prisms web portal before the specified dates of every month which are informed in the instruction booklet. Thereafter a fine of Rs.50/- will be charged.
  • Failing to pay fees continuously for 4 months, the student will not be allowed to attend the classes.
  • Fees will be collected only on working days between 8.00 am to 1.00pm(Saturday counter closed).
  • Fees once paid will not be refunded.
  • Entire fees can be paid in advance.
  • School tuition fees will be accepted in cash or cheque only. Cheque must be drawn on the name ‘Pratibha International School’
  • Fees for the month of April and May must be paid by 15th March.
  • Pupils will not be allowed to sit unless all fees are paid up to date.
  • Fees includes expenses towards work experience, furniture, maintenance and repair, first aid, school calendar, examination, sports, library, water, electricity, field trip and staff welfare.
  • Bus fees should be paid quarterly, in cash and for twelve months. • Fees will not be collected without the fee card.
  • Before a pupil is admitted to primary section, an admission form should be duly filled in and signed by the parents or guardian.


  • Before withdrawal parents/guardian must give ONE month notice in advance.
  • Those who leave in April should pay their fees for the month of May also.
  • If the pupil takes leave without notice for more than 15 days then his/ her names is struck off the rolls for unexplained absence and as per rules. School fees are due as long as pupil’s name is in the register.
  • Parents are requested to notify the office of time when they leave the school and fees will have to be paid till the name is withdrawn.
  • The Leaving Certificate will be issued after one week on receipt of the application.